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#15 What to look for in a Drama College
In this episode, we talk about some of the most important things you should look for when deciding which colleges to apply to.
During this episode I mention some West End performers and the colleges they went to,...
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#14 5 Tips for getting in to Drama College
Whether you're just starting your journey or you've been performing for years, getting into your dream drama college isn't easy.
It's important to remember, there is no guaranteed way to get in Drama College, but...
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#13 What does an Agent actually do?
Understanding the agent-client relationship is an important part of the process to help you manage expectations, so you know exactly what yourself getting yourself into.
If you'd like some support on your journey of...
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#12 What Do Talent Agents Look For?
Before you meet with an agent, it's a good idea to take a moment to think about what they look for. So here are 3 things that an agent will want from their clients.
Here's the link to access our Free Workshop which...
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#11 Contact Casting Directors like a professional
Have the confidence to contact casting directors like a professional.
No one wants to sound like an amateur, especially when you're talking to the person who might be able to give you a job. We know that casting...
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#10 Do Casting Directors reply to every applicant?
When does a Casting Director get back to you once you've applied to audition? Let's put you in their shoes so you can see what the challenges are.
Here's the link to the Free Workshop showing you the most common way...
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#9 Who gets paid the Least on stage?
As young performers, we never think about how much we're going to earn when we're older.
Performing is all we care about, and although I love the innocence of that, I do think it’s important to know what you’re...
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#8 Here's 3 ways you can get an audition
Working in the entertainment industry is really tough, there is so much competition. However, there are some things that you can do to make yourself a lot more employable.
It's not just about talent, and any singer,...
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#7 How much does it cost to go to Drama College?
It doesn't matter which dance or drama college you choose to go to, it's going to be expensive.
In this episode, I've prepared a couple of case studies for you. These are real-life examples of students I have worked...
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#6 How do you become a Professional Performer?
In this episode, we're going to go through the different stages of how you could become a singer, dancer, or actor.
There are lots of different ways you could do this but we're going to go through the most common...
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#5 Where To Find Auditions!
If you haven't got an agent, finding auditions can be really hard.
In this episode, Karl discusses what you can do to improve your chances of finding the perfect opportunity for you.
Mentions & Important...
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#4: How to look professional in front of Casting Directors.
Before you get your dream job, you're going to have to audition. A casting team is going to scrutinize your application and make a decision on whether you have the right attributes to be invited to their casting...
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